
Choirs Zespół Wang

In June 1984, a group of young members of the Lutheran parish Wang visited the Evangelisation Week in Dzięgielów. What they experienced during this week influenced them so strongly that they decided to found a choir to praise the Lord – this was the beginning of the Zespół Wang.
In the beginning, the choir mainly sang songs of the tent mission. But soon, it developed its very own style: Talented wood carver Ryszard Zając, whose handiwork is inspired by Biblical stories, started composing the first songs for the choir. The lyrics are Biblical texts, that’s why, unoficially, the choir was soon called “Singing Bible”.

Nowadays, the choir consists of 8 members and is accompanied on two guitars and two violins. Its music can be enjoyed live at one of their performances but also on the CD that has been recorded some months ago.

Ks. Edwin Pech, Karpacz, February 2009


Zespół Wang
Parafia Ewangelicko-Augsburska Wang
ul. Na Śnieżkę 8, 58-540 Karpacz
tel. 75 7619228

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